The blue page

Poetry on the net. Test of an HTML made page

Javier Martí and the mad clown

It is not the best, nor the nicest one, but the strangest site you´ve seen so far!

No entiendo nada de lo que estoy haciendo...
There was a time when people used to know what they were doing.
Life was good, you weren´t lost.
That time has gone forever.
Nowadays everybody is asking: "Where are we going? What do we do this for?"
No one knows the answer, but it all carries on...

Top three of the month

  1. "El zapatero remendón"
  2. "The meat chopper" (Israel Ejarque)
  3. "Get lost bambino"

Termino a definir(dt)
Be afraaaaid... This is how you will look in...say...a hundred years. Do you like yourself?

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